Welcome back wanderers, we have some news for you. Team Byte: The Backrooms has returned and has never been better! This is more of a hotfix to iron out some of the bad from the last release, make necessary changes to better the performance, and generally improve the gameplay of the server.
Here are all of the changes: Gameplay
Removed the Complex Health System
Improved spawn rates in all levels
Removed the Doctor
Changed the Anchor Statue's skin
Changed the Vault Keeper to put you back to the Vault Selection menu when exiting a vault
Added 2 new Anchor Statues in Level 4
Improved 'Camera Dude'
Changed all Zap Guns to now disable energy regeneration when shooting
Improved all Zap Guns
Removed the 'Just... Don't' Achievement
Changed the 'Big Storage Room' in Level 1 into a Vault
Updated the Hospital in the Hub
Improved the titles for entering camps and vaults in levels
Improved Achievements
Improved Backpack, Vault Keeper and chest sound design
Fixed an issue where backpacks would break and lose items
Fixed multiple issues where you could mass-dupe items with backpacks
Fixed multiple typos
Fixed an issue where a few items in the crafting menu would take the wrong resources
Fixed an issue where certain NPC's would have default skins
Fixed an issue where Teddy Bear and Warp Cores would be stackable
Fixed an issue where Dullers would never spawn in Level 4
Fixed an issue where the Iron Pickaxe had the wrong texture in the Crafting Table
Thank you to those still here for sticking around even after we announced the cancellation in November. You guys are amazing and we can't wait to give you more content in the not-so-distant future!
Team Byte