Team Byte Rules:
These rules apply to all servers and projects run by Team Byte unless stated otherwise within this documentation.
This includes the following:
Team Byte: The Backrooms - Discord Server
Team Byte: The Backrooms - Minecraft Server (
0. Read the Rules.
0.1 All rules apply whether or not they are read prior to punishment. Documentation on rules is publicly available at all times from several different locations and announced frequently, not having read the rules is not an excuse.
1. Text and Voice Chat:
1.1 Cursing, spam, and potentially offensive content should be kept to a minimum. (Mute / Warn)
1.2 Do not share any form of NSFW content. (Ban)*
1.3 Do not use or share content including any type of slur. (Ban)*
1.4 Do not Intentionally discriminate, harass, or use harsh language against anybody. (Warn / Ban)
1.5 Do not promote or advertise any unrelated content unless given written permission to do so. (Warn / Ban)
1.6 Do not share or request any potentially exploitable personal information, age, address, ip, etc. (Warn / Ban)
1.7 Do not attempt to impersonate another user or staff member. (Mute / Warn)
2. In-Game:
Team Byte: The Backrooms - Minecraft Server:
2.1 Alternative accounts (ALTs) are allowed with limitations: Multiple accounts may not join from the same IP address at the same time, accounts may not be used for the purpose of boosting another, and punishments will be shared across all linked accounts. (Ban)*
2.2 Do not use any form of exploit or unallowed client / modification. (Ban)
(If you aren’t sure if a mod is allowed, ask a staff member!)
2.3 Do not abuse or share information about any server bugs. (Warn / Ban)
(Instead, report them on the Discord server or privately to server staff so they can be fixed.)
2.4 Do not intentionally scam others. (Warn / Ban)
2.5 Do not buy or sell any form of in-game currency, items, or services for real money. (Ban)*
2.6 Do not use or mention any form of pirated, cracked, or “non-premium” minecraft. (Ban)*
3. Staff Related:
3.1 Do not disrespect, insult, or harass staff in any way. (Warn / Ban
3.2 Decisions made by staff members are final. Complaining or bothering staff will result in further punishment.
(If you feel a decision made by a staff member was unfair or unclear, please make a ticket to have it handled privately.)
3.3 Speaking publicly about your own, or anyone else’s punishment should be kept to a minimum. (Mute / Warn)
3.4 At any point, staff may decide a punishment that differs from what is written in the rules, or punish for general misconduct if deemed necessary. All punishments are contextual and may vary.
Our Terms of Service:
Please read and follow our Terms of Service for our Minecraft server.
Warn 1: General Warning / Mute
Warn 2: Ban (12-48 Hours.)
Warn 3: Ban (3-7 Days.)
Warn 4: Ban (2+ Weeks.)
Warn 5: Ban (Permanent.)
Breaking any rule marked with a * will result in an immediate permanent ban.
Breaking multiple rules or the same rule multiple times may result in multiple warnings at once and or an extended ban period.
Failing to follow the rules after a successful appeal will result in a permanent ban no matter how many warnings you have, as well as a temporary or permanent restriction from creating new ban appeals.
Warnings over a year old will not be accounted for when deciding punishments.