Welcome back wanderers, we've got some news for you.
Welcome to Level 5: The Terror Hotel! Here, the only sounds you'll hear are those of people who do not exist and the screams of the Moths. Beneath the hotel lies a dark space known as the 'Boiler Rooms,' where Steampunk Robots roam. Gear up with the Steampunk Hammer and other exciting new equipment.
Changed Sanity Drain amounts in Levels.
Reduced how fast sanity drains in all levels.
Added Level 5.
Added Deathmoth.
Added Steampunk Robot.
Once below 50% health, the Steampunk Robot will go into 'Rage Mode', increasing damage and speed significantly.
Updated 'Eye' to now drop 'Eye Lens'.
Updated 'Grinner' to now drop 'Grinner Teeth'.
Updated 'Christmas Gremling' spawn chance.
Reduced chance. (2% > 0.5%)
Added Steampunk Armor set.
When sprinting, players will regenerate 3 Energy per second.
Added Steampunk Hammer.
When sneaking performing a critical attack, it will perform a small but powerful AoE attack.
Added Engine.
Added Bronze Ingot.
Added Smoke Screen.
Added Pull-Pin Fuse.
Added Towel.
Added Light Cloth.
Added Chandelier Crystal.
Added Paper.
Added Notebook.
Added Steampunk Crate Key.
Added Eye Lens.
Added Grinner Tooth.
Added Level 5 Warp Core.
Changed The Hub Warp Core crafting recipe.
Added Level 5 Warp Core.
Improved Ambience System.
Different areas in levels can now have different ambience.
Team Byte